Sunday, February 5, 2012


Am I a change-aholic?

It's something I've been battling with lately.

It's no surprise that I enjoy adventures, am impulsive, and tend to move on quickly from things when I make decisions. When I am no longer fulfilled I grab my shoes and hit the road for greener pastures. I dive right into a new routine, new journey with such vigor that I've been accused of "falling hard" a number of times.

I'm afraid I crave that feeling. The feeling of something new. Of a new beginning, a new chapter. It's why I finally realized that being in the education system, with the possibility of a new chapter, each year is so exciting to me. Never a dull moment when a fresh crop of students arrive every August with a new set of problems to solve. Each summer I'll refresh and each August I'll be charged up to face the year anew.

I hate redundancy. I get bored easily.

Perhaps it's why I became a vegetarian, excuse me, flexitarian. Because really, I eat scallops. And halibut sometimes. But, maybe it's because I wanted the adventure of identifying with something new.

Ah, a key word- identity. I'm going to pause on that one and come back to it at a later time.

Anyways, I'm worried about my reason for needing change all the time. Is it a problem or is it endearing? Am I adventurous or restless? If I find stability in one area of my life why do I need to rustle up another area?

Perhaps I just have the insatiable desire to never settle. If so, is that a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe so if it means I'll never fully be happy... or do I just need the right elements in my life to appease my appetite?

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