Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Manifestations

I have read in a few places of the power of writing down our manifestations for the upcoming year. Christine Hassler has nice New Year Ritual that for those that are not downing mixed drinks at an over crowded bar sounds like a really nice practice. I spent my New Years Eve at my favorite place in Michigan with my favorite little sister cooking an epic vegan meal, sipping on perfectly buttery chardonnay, discussing our highs and lows of 2012, and sharing many laughs. It was wonderful.

As I think about what I hope for 2013 I have a hard time even "hoping" for anything. As I have read, it's important to focus on our manifestations being present focused.

For example, "I am balancing a fulfilling career with a satisfying academic schedule". That sounds boring but I guess realistic. Key point, it's present focused, realistic, and filled with lots of lovely adjectives.

This past year has been all about letting go and letting things just happen so I feel a bit torn with creating manifestations. I do believe in putting out the energy of what I hope but I sometimes feel anxious about creating goals and desires. I've felt very at peace with passing off the steering wheel of my life and focusing my energy more internal.

So,'s what I got: (reminder that nothing is permanent so this list can always change)

I am committed to self-care through a variety of daily practices, like: a consistent morning/night routine, keeping my home clean and comfortable, exercising, taking time for Nellie, fueling my body with nutrient foods, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating time for me. I know when to say "yes" and when to say "no", knowing when to listen to my physical and mental well-being.

I am comfortable being uncomfortable in my yoga practice, practicing frequently through the week, establishing a community along with acceptance and challenge.

I am balancing my social life, holding onto my close friendships and making new groups of friends - all of those who enlighten and inspire me. I know my people and feel confident going from group to group and bringing groups of people together. 

I am fulfilled in my career pursuits, happy with the alignment with my academic direction and desire to create betterment for people along with having challenges and growth and opportunity every day.

I feel financially secure and am able to make time and set aside money for adventures: social adventures, travel adventures, spontaneity, and to save for my future. 

I love myself entirely and I have let someone into my life romantically to love me and see me as enough - just as I see myself. Someone who is my ideal.

I do not worry about my future because I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be. 

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